Kompetenzen sind immer vorhanden. Das Bewusstmachen der Kompetenzen ist ein Prozess. Das persönliche Kompetenz-Portfolio strukturiert und präsentiert bewusstgemachte Kompetenzen.
Das persönliche Kompetenz-Portfolio:
- das eigene Leben aus verschiedenen Perspektiven betrachten
- bewusstmachen der vorhandenen Kompetenzen, Fähigkeiten und Fertigkeiten
- strukturieren mit Unterstützung gegebener Formblätter
- präsentieren des persönlichen Kompetenz-Portfolios im beruflichen Kontext
Bereisen sie ihren „Fluss des Lebens“ und machen sie in Einzelarbeiten, Übungen und Coaching-Gesprächen ihre Kompetenzen strukturiert sichtbar. Erarbeiten sie ihr persönliches Kompetenz-Portfolio in unserem Workshop.
Weitere Info & Buchung: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
the Guidance paper
“The contribution of ECHOE to learning about sustainable development”
was a contribution of dkommer sustainable development to ECHOE Project "ECHOE - Education for Heritage, Outdoor Education (Grundtvig Multilateral 2010-2013)".
ECHOE project explored ways to combine
- education for/about heritage, especially related to historic and archaeological sites as defined and accepted by countries and local communities
- outdoor education including ecology, heritage protection, sports, leisure and open air activities
One main objective of the project was to contribute to the development of the knowledge and skills of adult educators on an integrated approach of heritage and outdoor education. “Learning about sustainable development” is an important factor to achieve this objective as sustainable development in all its facets is the basis to ensure continuity of this integrated approach.
To be able to provide elements of learning about sustainable development in heritage & outdoor education it is important to have
- Knowledge
- Skills
- Attitude/Values
about/in/for sustainable development.
...Read more: dkommer - ECHOE GP Sustainable Development
PSYchological help
reducing differences between society expectations and reality. Methodological research.
This Leonardo da Vinci Partnership (2010-1-LT1-LEO04-02826, 2010-2012) connected professionals providing psychological and social help from different EU countries. Partners from Austria, Spain and UK worked together within the framework of the Lifelong Learning Program in order to Identify access barriers to psychological help and furthermore propose potential solutions.
The importance of psychological help increases in the time of economical crisis – a challenge to be faced. Problems of social life such as
- declining wages,
- the risk of dismissal
- disharmony in families and labour relations
can impact on emotional health. Negative emotions, stress, conflicts, insecurity and instability can all lead to psychological problems. Psychological care is an effective contribution to a package of solutions in dealing with the consequences of crisis and can lead to effective conflict solving in families and the labour market.
...Read more: dkommer - Psychological Help E-Journal